Registration for 2025
How to Register for 2025:
Camper $185- girls entering 1st-6th grades in fall (register via CampInTouch, steps below)
If a camper is NOT a registered Girl Scout, that's an additional $25
PA or PA-Intern $50 - Girls entering 7th-12th grades in fall set up a CampInTouch account (register as a "Camper Without A Session") AND fill out the Google form under PA/PAI registration section below. Once you have completed these steps you will be contacted by GSCO within one week to complete your registration.
Full-Time Adult volunteers - only 10% fee for your campers.
Register your camper (as noted above) BUT only pay the 10% deposit. Next, register yourself with us. Read details on volunteering and adult training too. Register as a Volunteer here.
P.S. If a full-time adult doesn't have a camper, we'll reimburse up to $150 per adult
of your other children's costs (PA, TA, Tag).
Tags $50. Only available to children of full-time adult volunteers at camp.
-Tags (boys who will be 1st-6th grade in fall).Register a Tag here.
Dates To Know for 2025
January 23rd at 9 am - registration opens
May 1st - all paperwork and payments due through CampInTouch
June 9th - 13th, 2025 - Camp Session from 9AM - 3PM each day
Camp Refund and Cancellation Policy
Please note that we are a volunteer run camp and our ability to provide this camp to all registered campers and PA/PAI is entirely dependent on securing enough volunteers. If spaces at camp are limited due to lack of volunteers, registrations will be prioritized by adult volunteer’s children, date received, and space available for their grade. We would determine this by early May. We did cancel camp in 2022 due to lack of adult volunteers, so we want to be clear on the need and dependence on adult volunteers. We would love for you to be able to volunteer at camp! Learn all the benefits of volunteering.
How to Register via CampInTouch from GSCO (campers & PA/PAI)!
For registration support / questions family contact GSCO customer care team
at 877-404-5708 or
Camper Registration Instructions
1. NOTE: CampInTouch works best on a computer browser, not your phone.
2. Setup. You need an account with GSCO's CampInTouch.
If you do not have one, Create a CampInTouch Account. This can be done any time.
3. Register.
a. Follow CampInTouch instructions find the Session for Fort Collins Day Camp and register for that session. (For the 2025 Camp the Fort Collins Session is DC03.)
4. Watch your emails for the next steps:
a. CampInTouch reminders to complete the paperwork and final payments.
b. Emails from the Fort Collins team with more details.
c. If you are volunteering, complete your separate Volunteer Registration form.
PA/PA-Intern Registration Instructions
1. NOTE: CampInTouch works best on a computer browser, not your phone.
2. Setup. You need an account with GSCO's CampInTouch System.
If you do not have one, create a CampInTouch Account.
3. Register.
a. Fill out the PA/PA-Intern Registration Form here: PA/PA-I Registration.
b. Once you have filled out the registration form above, you will be contacted by GSCO within one week to finalize your registration and payment.
4. Watch your emails for the next steps:
a. CampInTouch reminders to complete the paperwork and final payments.
b. Emails from the Fort Collins team with more details.
c. If you are volunteering, complete your separate Volunteer Registration form.
Contact us with any questions at
Copyright Fort Collins Girl Scout Day Camp. All rights reserved.