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Who are our campers?
Girls entering 1st-6th grades in NEXT school year (in the Fall). (Not the grade at registration time.)
If girl is NOT a registered Girl Scout, please register with GSCO ($25 additional).
What is our day camp?
Fort Collins Girl Scout Day Camp is:
- The Day Camp Session is Monday thru Friday, June 9th - 13th, 2025, from 9 am - 3 pm.
- A great introduction to Girl Scout camps for campers of all skill levels!
- An introduction to Girl Scouts! Girl does not need to be a Girl Scout to register, although they need to join GS before she attends due to insurance requirements. This is an additional cost and can be done online at GSCO.
- A fun chance to build outdoor skills!
- The perfect place to make new friends and hang out with old friends.
- An awesome opportunity to build confidence and leadership skills!
- Located at Boyd Lake State Park (northeast Loveland, but see our maps for how close that is)
Camp is also:
- Loud! (We'll sing you in, We'll sing you out!)
- Messy! (If you go home clean, you have missed something fun!)
- Crazy! (In that fantastic, silly, fun sort of way!)
Cool stuff we have done in the past:
- Canoeing (Can you canoe?)
- Swimming/wading (We hope you like to get wet.)
- Fishing (Real fishing skills with real fish that really bite the hook!)
- Archery (4th grade and up!)
- Knife Safety (Can you whittle a little? Come learn to use a knife safely!)
- Team building (Everybody has fun when everybody, well, HAS FUN!)
- Arts and crafts (So much to create and share!)
- Beginning Compass work (You can't always rely on Google Maps!)
- Skits! (An ancient and wondrous Girl Scout tradition.)
- Songs! (An ancient and VERY LOUD Girl Scout tradition.)
- And SO MUCH MORE!! (Really, we can't even list it all! Well, we have a list somewhere . . .)
- Fee for one camper for 5 days, from 9am - 3pm is $185/camper for 2025
- Or, be a full-time adult volunteers and earn 90% discount - for ALL YOUR CAMPERS!! See details on our "Volunteers" page. If you volunteer full time, other campers in the same family are guaranteed a spot AND we have on-site camp activities for your other similarly aged children (sons (ages 6-12) can attend as Tagalongs in a special unit) - see details on volunteer page).
- Other discounts may also apply, see the Registration page for details.
Registration - January 23rd, 2025 - First Come, First Serve:
- Learn all about the new registration system at Registration page.
Come join the fun!
This is what being a kid, and a Girl Scout, is all about!