Camp P.A.'s


​Join us for our Castaway Island Adventure!

June 3-7, 2024

Registration for camp will start February 1st, 2024.
​ at Boyd lake State Park! 

Campers are grades 1-6 for the 2024-25 school year.

πŸ’–This is a PA programmed camp! πŸ’–

PAs are grades 7 -12.

LIA and PA training required. 

 Adult volunteers needed!

90% discount for completed full time volunteers!*

New to this camp? See the Camper, PA and Volunteer pages for more details.

Campers register
on the GSCO website.

Registration is on a First Come/First Served Basis

Use the Following Registration Session Codes 

Campers DC03

Adult Volunteers, PAs, & Tags - register with us on our website Registration Page.


​Let us know!  We try to answer all emails within 72 hours (Jan-July).


This is what being a kid, and a Girl Scout, is all about!

Mini Camp/
